ΒΡΕΙΤΕ ΜΑΣ ΚΑΙ ΕΔΩ e-mail: aeklivegr@gmail.com


The end of a historic run

We MUST stay together and fight through these tough times that we are facing.



This past Sunday we took on Atromito in an away game in our last game in the first division for a least two years.


Nothing really major happened throughout the game until the 90 minute when Giannoulis would snatch a very important winner for Atromito after our defense looked at him after he broke from our offside trap and easily tucked it away. This win brought them to 46 points and took them to 4th place in the standings.

By George Angelidis

We got relegated for the first in our clubs history. We went 89 years without getting relegated something very fews teams can say. An end of a historic run. You can’t play with teenagers and inexperienced players it just doesn’t happen.
We also are filing bankruptcy, thus going to the 3rd division. It is going to be a rebuilding process for us. Like I said in my last piece we need someone with a fair amount of money to invest some money on the team so we can get some half decent players.
The transfers that we made this year were horrific, I must say Fourtado, Iago and Katsikokeri virtually nothing the entire year. It’s time to start off fresh and start over. Now is when we need young talent who can mature in a couple of years with a mix of older more experienced players.
Over the summer I went to a couple of friendly’s, when I was in Greece with my dad and noticed a couple players of young players who stood out. Of course Founta is one who in a couple of years can be worth a couple of million if u ask me.
Papadimitriou and Kalogeris, who sadly didn’t get on the field this year after tearing something in his knee also impressed me. They both are attack minded players who have a good amount of pace and are nimble.

Papadimitriou in only 19 and Kalogeris is 22, if they both work on their game in the next couple of years they is a very good possibility that they are going to find themselves in the first team, that if they don’t leave.
That’s a another issue that we are facing. A lot of players are most likely going to leave this year, because they are going to be saying why should we play on a third division team? Little do they know this third division team is going right back up into the first division, where we truly belong in no time.

We also are going to be playing at a new stadium as well. We MUST stay together and fight through these tough times that we are facing. We are going to win the third and second division in the next two years are climb right back up in the first division. I promise you.
AEK is a historic team, a team that will never vanish, we are AEK. ELLA MORI AEKARA MOU, I will always be by your side no matter what! Yellow is in my blood!

Με ρίζα από την Πόλη και παππού αθλητή της πρώτης ομάδας βόλεϊ της ΑΕΚ δεν θα μπορούσα παρά να είμαι παράφορα ερωτευμένος μαζί της

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